This is the translation of the text below, “Feministinnen* kennen kein „Vater“land!”, as the question arose whether it was possible to translate the text into English in order to make it more accessible – and then it should be on the blog, too.
This year [now last year], parts of mainstream feminism have discovered the topic of refugee women. The October edition of the magazine ‘Emma’ therefore includes a “gender-specific catalogue of demands” where Emma says what has to “HAPPEN NOW.”
At first glance, the demands seem at least not to do any harm, even though all those who have been fighting together with refugee women* for an improvement of their situation will miss many demands – the demand that the degrading Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz) be abolished, for example, or the demand for private housing and that collective accommodation, i.e. Lagers, be abolished. This means, the steps that refugee women* themselves have long been demanding for their protection are lacking. And, above all, the demands regarding the asylum procedure are rather lacking in content, so that one cannot help asking oneself the question whether it is really Emma’s aim to improve the situation of asylum-seeking women.

It is only at second glance that it becomes more obvious what the actual intention behind these alarmist demands is: It is, in fact, a matter of focusing on asylum-seeking men* as perpetrators. As we learn elsewhere in the same edition of Emma: “Because, after all, one thing is clear: Many of the predominantly young men who now come to us have so far never experienced even the slightest hint of gender equality. They come from cultures such as Islam where women are regarded as inferior (..). They are predominantly Arabs where, independently of beliefs, the women’s rights situation is traditionally poor. And they come from (civil) war zones where they were victims or perpetrators, and many a time also both at the same time.”
So they must now be cracked down on massively. “Perpetrators must be vigorously persecuted, even if they are simultaneously victims.” And how this can be brought about – this is also considered by Emma: “The question arises whether such violations (assaults on women and children and violations of our laws) might also be a reason for rejection of an asylum application.” „Feminists know no “father”land!“ weiterlesen